Kamis, 07 April 2011


DOG TAG originally contained about the identity of the wearer such as full name, Registration Number Personnel, unity, blood type and religion. However, sometimes a DOG TAG contents of this form of social security number, surname, nickname, date of birth, blood type and unity in which he originated.

DOG TAG A lot of variety, depending on the policies of their respective military units or countries where the military is located. But at its core is a DOG TAG provides a fairly accurate information about the wearer if an when the soldier was shot or injured then the information about the identity of these soldiers will soon be known by the paramedic such as name and blood type so that it will facilitate the process of identifying the victim.

DOG TAG consists of 2 pieces of stainless steel plate and in certain cases that occurred warfare often the soldier is dead and can not be evacuated at that time so that one plate DOG TAG will be brought by other members who are still alive and only again at the left on the victim's body so that its time later when the body of the soldier will be in evekuasi the identity of the victim would remain unknown, although his condition has been damaged even though already a framework.

In the development DOG TAG experienced changes here and there, both in terms of shape or number. Initially, this started during the civil war in America that occurred between the years 1861 to 1865. Some soldiers wrote down his name and address on the back of their coats and partly menggoreskannya on their belts made of leather.

So much history in the world wars, from World War 1 and 2, Vietnam and other wars have brought changes in the quantity, content and form of DOG TAG. Than originally numbered 1 to 2 pieces of metal, which was originally circular shape into a rectangular semi-circular and the contents of those DOG TAG also undergone a change even though essentially the same which provides information on the owner of those DOG TAG.

Now, not only military members who wear a DOG TAG DOG TAG because it has become common or complementary accessories in the style of dress (fashion), especially for those who enjoyed the nuances of military

Translate from source: JOGJA iCON

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