"World War I brought us into a new era, the era in which we often joked with death and destruction, with no clear boundaries" (Ernst Junger, 1895)
World War I (1914-1918) or that are often dubbed "The Great War or the War to End All Wars is a great history of its own. For in this global war that were held equipment, weaponry and media transport (including aircraft) made in the prime of the 20th century. Use of this sophisticated peratatan, no doubt, make a prolonged war and casualties in large numbers. Originally War I only expected to last for three months.
Through this war is also the world began to see the deadly impact of the conflict between two forces in Europe (Triple Alliance and Triple'Entente). The war fueled by the murders of himself Prince of Austria Franz Ferdinand and his wife on 28 Juni.-1914 in Bosnia. No one guessed if the conflict between Austria-Serbia will then quickly spread to Africa and Asia Pacific. With the reasons for wanting to help Britain, the United States even were also entered into this war.
Happened many fierce battles at Ypres, Verdun, the Somme and Galipoli. And appear brilliant famous figures such as Erich Ludendorff, Alfred von Tirpitz, Manfred von Richthofo, Ferdinand Foch, Edmund Allenby, Thomas, Edward Lawrence; Aleksey Brusilov, and John Pershing.
(Articles and images depicted from Majalah Angkasa Edisi Koleksi No. LIII 2009)
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